Our Code of Ethics

Our goal is to build and protect our Client’s long term financial wellbeing in a relationship built on trust.

At Lifetime Financial Planning we abide by the following Ethical Principles:
  1. To always act in our Client’s best interests. We will always act fairly, honestly and professionally in our client’s best interests and put them before our own interests.
  2. To provide professional services with integrity. We recognise that we are placed in positions of trust by our Clients and the ultimate source of that trust is our personal integrity. This means acting with honesty and candour in all professional matters, and in accordance with the letter and spirit of our Code of Ethics.
  3. To provide professional services objectively. Objectivity requires intellectual honesty and impartiality. Regardless of the services delivered or the capacity in which we as Financial Planners function, objectivity requires us to protect the integrity of our work and exercise sound professional judgement.
  4. To act fairly in all professional relationships. Fairness requires providing Clients with what they should expect from a professional relationship and includes honesty, disclosure of conflicts of interest, and provision of all relevant facts to enable our Clients make informed decisions.
  5. To conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all times. This requires us to behave with dignity and courtesy to our Clients and fellow professionals while complying with the rules, regulations and professional requirements of the financial services industry.
  6. To maintain the knowledge and skill necessary to provide professional services competently. Competence requires attaining and maintaining an adequate level of knowledge, skills and abilities in the provision of professional services. Competence also includes the wisdom to recognise one’s own limitations and knowing when consultation with other professionals is appropriate.
  7. To provide professional services diligently. This requires us to provide such services in a timely and thorough manner, taking due care in planning, supervising and in delivery of those services.
  8. To protect the confidentiality of all Client information. We preserve all Client’s personal and business information as confidential and privileged and allow access only to those who are legally authorised to access such information.

    February 2022

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