About Aidan Wall

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Aidan Wall contributed a whooping 30 entries.

Entries by Aidan Wall

The Effect of Brexit on Pensions & Investments

A few Clients have asked about the effect of the Brexit decision by the UK on Investments and Pensions. The main effect of such news would be on the Equities (shares) part of portfolios. The two main markets we use are the Standard & Poors 500, (the 500 largest companies in the US), and the […]

Financial Planning for Your Children’s Third Level Education

Education is the foundation to a successful and fulfilling future. The cost of your children’s third level education is an expense which your Lifetime Financial Plan should encompass. This is estimated to range between €11,838 and €13,917 per academic year, which equates to between €47,352 and €55,668 for the completion of a 4 year degree course. […]

Meeting Investment Expectations

Investors now have a much wider range of investment choice open to them than ever before, ranging from the US stock market to the value of the euro versus the Japanese yen, the price of commodities such as oil, German government bonds and a whole range of other securities. For the non-professional, attempting to devise an appropriate […]

Set Your Financial Goals With a Lifetime Financial Plan

A recently published survey revealed that a significant amount of our population is suffering from high levels of stress due to concerns about their financial well being. Pension planning, for example, was a serious source of stress with over 51% of respondents saying they were not saving enough for their retirement. Not knowing how to […]

Financial Broker Vs Bank Advisor Part 3: Competitive vs Monopolistic

In Part 1 of this series of articles I explained that an advisor at your bank is often tied to a limited number of financial product providers, greatly restricting the amount of choice it can provide to you the customer. Impartial Financial Brokers are not tied in the same way, and are therefore free to […]

Financial Broker Vs Bank Advisor Part 2: Long Vs Short Term

It can be difficult to cultivate any kind of meaningful relationship with a Financial Advisor at your bank, as they can often be more focused on hitting their quarterly sales targets than in your long term financial well-being. If you are deemed worthy enough to be called in for an annual review you might also […]

Financial Broker Vs Bank Advisor Part 1: Tailoring vs Forcefitting

If you have been offered a financial planning service or “wealth check-up” by your bank, you may be unaware that banks tend to ally themselves with a single provider or a very limited number of financial product providers, greatly restricting their ability to provide you with more choice. This often results in your requirements being […]